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Health Literacy, Equity, and Communication in the COVID-19 Era of Misinformation: Emergence of Health Information Professionals in Infodemic Management
Health Literacy, Equity and Communication in the COVID-19 Era of Misinformation: The Emergence of Health Information Professionals in Infodemic Management
Ramona Kyabaggu;
Deneice Marshall;
Patience Ebuwei;
Uche Ikenyei
The Health Information Management (HIM) field’s contribution to health care delivery is invaluable, especially in a pandemic context where the need for accurate diagnosis will hasten responsive evidence-based decision making. The COVID-19 pandemic offers a unique opportunity to transform the practice of HIM and bring more awareness to the role the frontline workers play behind the scenes safeguarding reliable, comprehensive, accurate and timely health information. This transformation will support future research, utilization management, public health surveillance and forecasting and enable key stakeholders to plan and ensure equitable health care resource allocation, especially for the most vulnerable populations. In this paper, we juxtapose critical health literacy, public policy, and health information management perspectives to understand the COVID-19 infodemic and new opportunities for health information management in infodemiology.
Please cite as:
Kyabaggu R, Marshall D, Ebuwei P, Ikenyei U
Health Literacy, Equity, and Communication in the COVID-19 Era of Misinformation: Emergence of Health Information Professionals in Infodemic Management