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The Utility and Implications of Ambient Scribe in Primary Care
Puneet Seth;
Romina Carretas;
Frank Rudzicz
Ambient scribe technology, utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs), represents an opportunity for addressing several current pain points in the delivery of primary care. This perspective explores the evolution of ambient scribes and their current usage in primary care. We discuss the suitability of primary care for ambient scribe integration, considering the varied nature of patient presentations and the emphasis on comprehensive care. We also propose the stages of maturation in the use of ambient scribes in primary care and their impact on care delivery. Finally, we call for focused research on safety, bias, patient impact, and privacy concerns in ambient scribe technology, emphasizing the need for early training and education of healthcare providers in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital health tools.
Please cite as:
Seth P, Carretas R, Rudzicz F
The Utility and Implications of Ambient Scribes in Primary Care