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Using Social Listening for Digital Public Health Surveillance of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Misinformation Online: An Exploratory Study
Dannell Boatman;
Abby Starkey;
Lori Acciavatti;
Zack Jarrett;
Amy Allen;
Stephenie Kennedy-Rea
Summary sentence: Commercial social listening platforms may be feasible to use as digital public health surveillance for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination misinformation online, serving as the foundation to support targeted intervention in the new information ecosystem.
Please cite as:
Boatman D, Starkey A, Acciavatti L, Jarrett Z, Allen A, Kennedy-Rea S
Using Social Listening for Digital Public Health Surveillance of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Misinformation Online: Exploratory Study