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Previously submitted to: JMIR Infodemiology (no longer under consideration since Sep 23, 2022)

Date Submitted: Aug 8, 2022
Open Peer Review Period: Aug 8, 2022 - Oct 3, 2022
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Comment from a Vitamin D Researcher on “COVID 19 and Vitamin D Misinformation on YouTube: Content Analysis”

  • William B. Grant


The article by Quinn and colleagues claimed that YouTube presentations regarding COVID-19 and vitamin D were rife with misinformation, such as stating that vitamin D has preventative or curative abilities. According to that article, many of the vitamin D recommendations did not align with the current literature for 13 attributes. As outlined in this letter, a more thorough examination of the journal literature, both before and after the date of their last search of the Internet, provides ample evidence that vitamin D can reduce the risk of and treat COVID-19. Unfortunately, they did not find that information and it is not reaching the general public.


Please cite as:

Grant WB

Comment from a Vitamin D Researcher on “COVID 19 and Vitamin D Misinformation on YouTube: Content Analysis”

JMIR Preprints. 08/08/2022:41783

DOI: 10.2196/preprints.41783


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