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Virtual reality in clinical practice and research: Novel applications for nursing
Hyojin Son;
Alyson Ross;
Elizabeth Mendoza-Tirado;
Lena Jumin Lee
Virtual reality is a novel technology that provides users with an immersive experience in three-dimensional virtual environments. The use of virtual reality is expanding in the medical and nursing settings to support treatment and promote wellness. Nursing has primarily used virtual reality for nursing education, but nurses might incorporate this technology into clinical practice to enhance the treatment experience of patients and caregivers. Thus, it is important for nurses to understand what virtual reality and its features are, how this technology has been utilized in the health care field, and what future efforts are needed in practice and research for this technology to benefit nursing. In this article, we provide a brief orientation to virtual reality, describes the current application of this technology in multiple clinical scenarios, and presents implications for future clinical practice and research in nursing.
Please cite as:
Son H, Ross A, Mendoza-Tirado E, Lee LJ
Virtual Reality in Clinical Practice and Research: Viewpoint on Novel Applications for Nursing