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An Analysis of Skin of Color Related Content on TikTok
Kayd J. Pulsipher;
Anthony Concilla;
Colby L. Presley;
Melissa R. Laughter;
Jaclyn Anderson;
Emily Chea;
Kristina Lim;
Chandler W. Rundle;
Mindy D. Szeto;
Robert Dellavalle
Dermatology content is widespread on social media. Prior studies indicate dermatologists are underrepresented among those producing Skin of Color (SoC) content on social media. TikTok has emerged as a widely used social media platform. This study provides an analysis of SoC content and creator type on TikTok. Dermatologists were discovered to produce a small amount of SoC dermatologic content on TikTok. We suggest TikTok as an underutilized platform to promote educational SoC dermatology content.
Please cite as:
Pulsipher KJ, Concilla A, Presley CL, Laughter MR, Anderson J, Chea E, Lim K, Rundle CW, Szeto MD, Dellavalle R