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Pediatric Telebehavioral Health: A Transformational Shift in Care Delivery in the Era of COVID-19
Ujjwal Ramtekkar;
Jeffrey Bridge;
Glenn Thomas;
Eric Butter;
Jennifer Reese;
Erica Logan;
Simon Lin;
David Axelson
Telebehavioral Health has been expanding for the past decade to improve access and address the critical shortage of psychiatric workforce. The sudden shift from traditional in-person visits to alternatives modalities has been forced as a result of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). There are key factors associated with successful transitional and large-scale implementation of telehealth with existing resources. We describe the experience of a large health system in utilizing telehealth technology, identify strategies and discuss considerations for long term sustainability after the pandemic.
Please cite as:
Ramtekkar U, Bridge J, Thomas G, Butter E, Reese J, Logan E, Lin S, Axelson D
Pediatric Telebehavioral Health: A Transformational Shift in Care Delivery in the Era of COVID-19