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The challenges of COVID-19 for people living with diabetes: how can digital health help?
Anissa Gamble;
Quynh Pham;
Shivani Goyal;
Joseph A Cafazzo
We prepared this commentary to explore how the field of digital health can help address gaps and burdens within the diabetes community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Diabetes affects the severity of COVID-19 infection due to glycemic control, medication pharmacodynamics, social distancing effects, and insulin access. Digital health may improve diabetes health outcomes through enabling remote care in place of in-person visits. We conclude that COVID-19 may usher a digital health paradigm shift and accelerate the routine clinical application of digital diabetes tools, but will require that solutions be effectively supported and implemented.
Please cite as:
Gamble A, Pham Q, Goyal S, Cafazzo JA
The Challenges of COVID-19 for People Living With Diabetes: Considerations for Digital Health