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Global sentiments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter
May Lwin;
Anita Sheldenkar;
Jiahui Lu;
Peter Schulz;
Wonsun Shin;
Raj Gupta;
Yinping Yang
Over 20 million social media twitter posts made during the early phases of the COVID-19 outbreak from 28 January to 9 April 2020 were analysed to investigate world sentiments around the pandemic. Overall, global COVID-19 sentiments have shown rapid evolution. Public emotions shifted strongly from fear to anger over time. Further narrative analyses based on word clouds of emotional tweets suggest that emotion-driven collective issues are emergent, centered around shared public distress experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic which include large scale social isolation and loss of human lives.
Please cite as:
Lwin M, Sheldenkar A, Lu J, Schulz P, Shin W, Gupta R, Yang Y
Global Sentiments Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter: Analysis of Twitter Trends