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Usability Testing of an e-Learning System for Intimate Partner Violence Education
Charmayne Hughes;
Elaine A Musselman;
Lilia Walsh;
Tatiana Mariscal;
Sam Warner;
Amy Hintze;
Neela Rashidi;
Chloe Gordon-Murer;
Tiana Tanha;
Fahrial Licudo;
Rachel Ng;
Jenna Tran
Nurses are a common resource for victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) presenting to healthcare settings. However, they often have inadequate knowledge about IPV, a lack of self-efficacy or confidence to be able to screen for IPV and communicate effectively with patients.
The aim of this study was to develop and test the usability of a blended learning system aimed at educating nursing students on topics related to IPV (i.e., the mPOWERED system).
Development of the mPOWERED system involved usability testing with seven nurse educators and 18 nurse practitioner students. Users were asked to complete usability testing using speak-aloud procedure, and then complete a satisfaction and usability questionnaire
Overall, the mPOWERED system was deemed to have high usability and was positively evaluated by both nurse educators and nursing students. Respondents provided critical feedback that will be used to improve the system.
By including target end-users in the design and evaluation of the mPOWERED system, we have developed a blended IPV learning system that can easily be integrated into healthcare education. Larger scale evaluation of the pedagogical impact of this system is underway.
Please cite as:
Hughes C, Musselman EA, Walsh L, Mariscal T, Warner S, Hintze A, Rashidi N, Gordon-Murer C, Tanha T, Licudo F, Ng R, Tran J
The mPOWERED Electronic Learning System for Intimate Partner Violence Education: Mixed Methods Usability Study