Accepted for/Published in: JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting
Date Submitted: Mar 16, 2024
Date Accepted: Nov 15, 2024
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Exploring Pregnancy-Related Information-Sharing Behaviour Among First-time Southeast Asian Fathers: Qualitative Study
While the benefits of fathers’ engagement in pregnancy are well researched, little is known about first-time expectant fathers’ information-seeking practices in Southeast Asia regarding pregnancy-related. Additionally, there is a notable gap in understanding their information-sharing behaviours during the pregnancy journey. Considering the cultural norms prevalent in Southeast Asia, these might influence their information-sharing behaviour, particularly related to information about pregnancy.
This research study aims to explore and analyse the health information-sharing behaviour of first-time expectant fathers in Southeast Asia. Specifically, it investigates whether fathers share pregnancy information, with whom, through what means, and reasons behind the decisions to share or not to share. Furthermore, we aim to understand if there are any behavioural differences between fathers in Southeast Asia and other countries
We conducted semi-structured interviews with first-time Southeast Asian fathers in Indonesia, a sample country in the Southeast Asian region. We analysed the data using quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative content theme analysis. A total of 40 first-time expectant fathers were interviewed
The results reveal distinct patterns in health information-sharing behaviour among first-time expectant fathers in Indonesia. Factors such as cultural norms and the nature of relationships play crucial roles in shaping these behaviours. The majority of Indonesian fathers limit their information-sharing to a limited audience circle. Furthermore, they also tailor their approaches within this circle based on the specific relationships with the audience. Additionally, the data highlights how fathers’ decisions to share or not share information are influenced by local cultural norms
This study provides valuable insights into the nuanced health information-sharing behaviours of first-time fathers in Southeast Asia. In contrast to fathers in developed countries, the information-sharing behaviour of Southeast Asian fathers resembles that of fathers in developing countries, where culture plays a crucial role in their daily decision-making processes. Therefore, this emphasises the importance of cultural considerations in future discussions and the development of intervention programs related to pregnancy for Southeast Asian fathers
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