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Barriers and facilitators to implementing team based ECMO simulation study: An exploratory analysis
Joan Brown;
Sophia De-Oliveira;
Christopher Mitchell;
Rachel Carmen Cesar;
Li Ding;
Melissa Fix;
Daniel Stemen;
Krisda Yacharn;
Se Fum Wong;
Anahat Dhillon
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a critical tool in the care of severe cardiorespiratory dysfunction. Simulation training for ECMO has become standard practice.1 Therefore, Keck Medicine of the University of California (USC) holds simulation-training sessions to reinforce and improve providers knowledge. This study aimed to understand the impact of simulation training approach on interprofessional collaboration. We believed simulation based ECMO training would improve interprofessional collaboration through increased communication and enhance teamwork.
This study aimed to understand the impact of simulation training approach on interprofessional collaboration.
This was a single center mixed methods study of the Cardiac and Vascular Institute Intensive Care Unit at Keck Medicine of USC conducted from September 2021- April 2023. Simulation training was offered for 1-hour monthly to the clinical team focused on the collaboration and decision making needed to evaluate the initiation of ECMO therapy. Electronic surveys were distributed pre, post, and 3-month post training. The survey evaluated teamwork and the effectiveness of training and focus groups were held to understand social environment factors. Additionally, trainee and peer evaluation focus groups were held to understand socioenvironmental factors.
37 trainees attended the training simulation from August 2021 - August 2022. Using 27 records for exploratory factor analysis, the Standardized Cronbach Alpha was 0.717. The survey results descriptively demonstrated a positive shift in teamwork ability. Qualitative themes identified improved confidence and decision making.
The study design was flawed, indicating improvement opportunities for future research on simulation training in the clinical setting. The hypothesis deserves further exploration and is supported by the results of this study.
Please cite as:
Brown J, De-Oliveira S, Mitchell C, Cesar RC, Ding L, Fix M, Stemen D, Yacharn K, Wong SF, Dhillon A
Barriers to and Facilitators of Implementing Team-Based Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Simulation Study: Exploratory Analysis