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Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Implementation Science
Nathalie Huguet;
Jinying Chen;
Ravi B. Parikh;
Miguel Marino;
Susan A. Flocke;
Sonja Likumahuwa-Ackman;
Justin Bekelman;
Jennifer E. DeVoe
Machine learning approaches can be an innovative and useful tool in implementation science. In this viewpoint, we introduce a roadmap for applying machine learning techniques to address implementation science questions, such as predicting what will work best, for whom, under what circumstances, and with what predicted level of support; what and when adaptation and/or de-implementation are needed. We describe experiences learned from real-world applications of machine learning in implementation science, and discuss challenges that implementation scientists will need to consider when using machine learning throughout the stages of implementation.
Please cite as:
Huguet N, Chen J, Parikh RB, Marino M, Flocke SA, Likumahuwa-Ackman S, Bekelman J, DeVoe JE
Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Implementation Science