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Perceived Risk of Diabetes Among Vietnamese Americans with Prediabetes: A Mixed Methods Study
Angelina Nguyen;
Marylyn Morris McEwen;
Louis J Loescher
Vietnamese Americans have a relatively high risk of developing diabetes at younger ages, yet there are no published studies exploring their risk perceptions.
This mixed methods study using qualitative and quantitative approach describes perceived diabetes risk from the perspective of an underserved population.
This study was guided by the Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation. Snowball sampling was used to recruit Vietnamese Americans (N=10) with prediabetes. Descriptive methodology with data transformation were used to analyze data from semi-structured interviews and questionnaires.
The two risk perception domains from qualitative data were risk factors and severity of prediabetes and diabetes. The main perceived diabetes risk factors were eating habits (including cultural influences), sedentary lifestyle, and family history of diabetes. The composite Risk Perception Survey for Developing Diabetes score was low (mean score 2.15, SD=0.31) indicating a low level of perceived diabetes risk. Despite the lower levels of perceived diabetes risk, Vietnamese Americans do believe that the severity of diabetes is a “big concern”.
Vietnamese Americans with prediabetes have low perceived diabetes risk. Understanding the perceived diabetes risk in this population provides a foundation for diabetes prevention interventions that consider cultural influences on diet and exercise.
Please cite as:
Nguyen A, McEwen MM, Loescher LJ
Perceived Risk of Diabetes Among Vietnamese Americans With Prediabetes: Mixed Methods Study