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Lessons learned in development and implementation of a novel web-based app for influenza outbreak detection and response in residential aged care facilities
Kai Hsun Hsiao;
Emma Quinn;
Travers Johnstone;
Maria Gomez;
Andrew Ingleton;
Arun Parasuraman;
Zeina Najjar;
Leena Gupta
There are plenty of potential roles for innovative digital health technologies in public health, including in outbreak response. However, the translation of a digital health innovation into an effective public health tool can be a complex process requiring diverse enabling factors for success. This paper describes the experience of a district-level public health authority in designing, developing and implementing a novel web-based app to assist residential aged care facilities in influenza outbreak detection and response. It shares key lessons learned in user engagement, agile development, data security and organisational support structures, contributing to the much-needed knowledge base in digital health development and implementation.
Please cite as:
Hsiao KH, Quinn E, Johnstone T, Gomez M, Ingleton A, Parasuraman A, Najjar Z, Gupta L
A Novel Web-Based Application for Influenza and COVID-19 Outbreak Detection and Response in Residential Aged Care Facilities