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Accepted for/Published in: Journal of Medical Internet Research

Date Submitted: Jan 24, 2022
Date Accepted: Apr 6, 2022

The final, peer-reviewed published version of this preprint can be found here:

Assessing Progress Toward the Vision of a Comprehensive, Shared Electronic Care Plan: Scoping Review

Norton J, Ip A, Ruggiano N, Abidogun T, Camara D, Fu H, Hose BZ, Miran S, Hsiao CJ, Wang J, Bierman A

Assessing Progress Toward the Vision of a Comprehensive, Shared Electronic Care Plan: Scoping Review

J Med Internet Res 2022;24(6):e36569

DOI: 10.2196/36569

PMID: 35687382

PMCID: 9233246

Assessing Progress Towards the Vision of a Comprehensive, Electronic Shared Care Plan: A Scoping Review

  • Jenna Norton; 
  • Alex Ip; 
  • Nicole Ruggiano; 
  • Tolulope Abidogun; 
  • Djibril Camara; 
  • Helen Fu; 
  • Bat-Zion Hose; 
  • Saadia Miran; 
  • Chun-Ju Hsiao; 
  • Jing Wang; 
  • Arlene Bierman



Care plans are central to effective care delivery for people with multiple chronic conditions (MCC). But existing care plans—which typically are difficult to share across care settings and care team members—poorly serve people with MCC, who often receive care from numerous clinicians in multiple care settings. Comprehensive shared electronic (e-) care plans, dynamic electronic tools that facilitate care coordination and address the totality of health and social needs across care contexts, have emerged as a potential way to improve care for individuals with MCC.


To review the landscape of e-care plans and care plan-related initiatives that could advance towards a comprehensive shared e-care plan and inform an NIH/AHRQ joint initiative on developing e-care plan tools for people with MCC.


We conducted a scoping review searching literature from 2015 to June of 2020 using Scopus, Clinical Key, PubMed, and the gray literature. To identify initiatives potentially missing in the literature, we interviewed key expert informants. Data then were identified and extracted in a structured format for data synthesis and analysis, using an expanded typology of care plans to adapt to our study context. Extracted data included: 1) perspective, 2) scope, 3) network, 4) context, 5) use of an open syntax standards, and 6) use of open semantic standards.


We identified seven e-care plan projects and three healthcare data standards development projects that each provide critical infrastructure that can be leveraged to advance toward the vision of the comprehensive shared e-care plan. Among the e-care plan projects, all plans supported both broad goals and specific behaviors. One project supported a network of professionals across clinical, community, and home-based networks. Four projects included the social determinants of health. Most specified an open syntax standard, while only three specified open semantic standards.


An electronic, interoperable e-care plan that’s comprehensive and shared has the potential to greatly improve the coordination of care for individuals with MCC across multiple care settings, a need which is heightened in the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While none of the existing care plan projects identified met all criteria for an optimal e-care plan, each provides critical infrastructure that can be leveraged as we advance toward the vision of the comprehensive, shared e-care plan. However, critical gaps must be addressed in order to achieve this vision.


Please cite as:

Norton J, Ip A, Ruggiano N, Abidogun T, Camara D, Fu H, Hose BZ, Miran S, Hsiao CJ, Wang J, Bierman A

Assessing Progress Toward the Vision of a Comprehensive, Shared Electronic Care Plan: Scoping Review

J Med Internet Res 2022;24(6):e36569

DOI: 10.2196/36569

PMID: 35687382

PMCID: 9233246

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