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van Eijndhoven P, Collard R, Vrijsen J, Geurts DE, Vasquez AA, Schellekens A, van den Munckhof E, Brolsma S, Duyser F, Bergman A, van Oort J, Tendolkar I, Schene A
Authors' Response to Peer Reviews of “Measuring Integrated Novel Dimensions in Neurodevelopmental and Stress-Related Mental Disorders (MIND-SET): Protocol for a Cross-sectional Comorbidity Study From a Research Domain Criteria Perspective”
MS#31269 Authors' Response to Peer Reviews of "Measuring Integrated Novel Dimensions in Neurodevelopmental and Stress-related Mental Disorders (MIND-Set): protocol for a cross-sectional comorbidity study from an RDoC perspective"
Philip van Eijndhoven;
Rose Collard;
Janna Vrijsen;
Dirk E. Geurts;
Alejandro Arias Vasquez;
Arnt Schellekens;
Eva van den Munckhof;
Sophie Brolsma;
Fleur Duyser;
Annemiek Bergman;
Jasper van Oort;
Indira Tendolkar;
Aart Schene
These are author responses to peer review of ms#31269
Please cite as:
van Eijndhoven P, Collard R, Vrijsen J, Geurts DE, Vasquez AA, Schellekens A, van den Munckhof E, Brolsma S, Duyser F, Bergman A, van Oort J, Tendolkar I, Schene A
Authors' Response to Peer Reviews of “Measuring Integrated Novel Dimensions in Neurodevelopmental and Stress-Related Mental Disorders (MIND-SET): Protocol for a Cross-sectional Comorbidity Study From a Research Domain Criteria Perspective”