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Developing Serious Video Games to Treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: a Tutorial Guide
Aarón Sújar;
Marina Martín-Moratinos;
María Rodrigo-Yanguas;
Marcos Bella-Fernández;
Carlos González-Tardón;
David Delgado-Gómez;
Hilario Blasco-Fontecilla
Video game-based therapeutic interventions were generally effective in improving cognitive areas and decreasing ADHD symptoms. Some authors have proposed using existing video games while others have designed their commercial video games. The results obtained show varied benefits and are not unified. This guide represents a starting point for future game development in ADHD. In this guide, we show the key points that need to be addressed to generate an effective and motivating game-based treatment. Following recommendations from literature to create game-based treatments, we describe the stages which ADHD game treatment must pass and the game elements which must be developed. Game design must take into account the interests of the future users, game mechanics should be based on cognitive exercises, and therapeutic mechanisms must include the control of difficulty, engagement, motivation, time constraints reinforcement. We have used as an example the developments made in our research. In order to elaborate this guide, we performed a narrative review focused on the use of video games for the treatment of ADHD, and mention examples from our experience during the development of The Secret Trail of Moon (TSTM).
Please cite as:
Sújar A, Martín-Moratinos M, Rodrigo-Yanguas M, Bella-Fernández M, González-Tardón C, Delgado-Gómez D, Blasco-Fontecilla H
Developing Serious Video Games to Treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Tutorial Guide