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Hospital Investments Decisions in Healthcare 4.0 Technologies: Challenges, Trends, and Research Directions
Roberto Vassolo;
Alejandro Mac Cawley;
Guilherme Luz Tortorella;
Flavio Sanson Fogliatto;
Diego Tlapa Mendoza;
Gopalakrishnan Narayanamurthy
This paper examines the trends, challenges, and theoretical gaps in Healthcare 4.0 (H4.0) technologies in hospital investment decisions. For that, we searched journal articles in four widely known databases and screened the retrieved documents to obtain a publications’ portfolio. Our findings show the multidisciplinary source of research in evaluating hospital investments in H4.0. We detect that the most common investment approaches were cost analysis, single technology, and single decision-maker involvement, which dominate over bundle analysis, value considerations of H4.0, and multiple decision-maker involvement. Findings were surprising given the interrelated nature of H4.0 and its multidimensional impact. Given the absence of a more holistic approach for H4.0 investment decisions, we suggested five main research directions for this topic. The literature may be viewed as randomly conceived, lacking academic alignment and practical orientation based on a grounded theory, which we aim at providing with the present study.
Please cite as:
Vassolo R, Mac Cawley A, Tortorella GL, Fogliatto FS, Tlapa Mendoza D, Narayanamurthy G
Hospital Investment Decisions in Healthcare 4.0 Technologies: Scoping Review and Framework for Exploring Challenges, Trends, and Research Directions