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Plasmonic and hybrid Whispering Gallery Mode Based Biosensors: A Literature Review
Maurizio Manzo;
Omar Cavazos;
Zhenhua Huang;
Liping Cai
The use of plasmonic-based sensors has been an innovative method for accomplishing different biomedical tasks. This review article discusses in general the theory in brief and introduces some of the main representative biomedical applications of plasmonic sensors. Most devices and methods discussed here are based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). Moreover, hybrid whispering gallery mode (WGM) sensing theory and applications are also introduced. This review paper has a wide variety of contributions to biomedical applications through biosensing and is intended for researchers interested in starting to work in this field, grasping the fundamental notions of plasmonic sensors and hybrid whispering gallery mode sensors, getting familiar with the terminology, and bypassing complex formulations of linear and non-linear optics behind.
Please cite as:
Manzo M, Cavazos O, Huang Z, Cai L
Plasmonic and Hybrid Whispering Gallery Mode–Based Biosensors: Literature Review