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Developing a taxonomy of communication techniques and aids used by healthcare providers in patient consultations: A study protocol
Violetta Shersher;
Terry P Haines;
Cylie Williams;
Louisa Willoughby;
Liz Sturgiss;
Carolina Weller
Currently, there is no available standardised taxonomy of defined communication techniques and strategies used by health professionals in patient consultations. It is problematic to identify communication techniques contributing to effective healthcare professional and patient consultations and to replicate communication interventions in research.
The first aim of this paper is to outline a protocol for systematic review of communication techniques, strategies and aids used by healthcare professionals in patient consultations as described in the literature. The secondary aim is to describe a protocol for the development and pilot of a taxonomy of communication techniques and strategies used by health professionals in patient consultations.
A systematic review will be completed to identify eligible studies. Extracted strategies and techniques will be organised into a preliminary taxonomy by a multidisciplinary team. The preliminary taxonomy will be piloted by two groups: research assistants trained in taxonomy application and health professions and health professional students not trained in taxonomy use. The pilot will use custom developed video footage of health professional and patient interactions. Results of inter-rater validity and debriefing interview feedback will be used to inform the finalisation of the preliminary taxonomy by a multidisciplinary Delphi panel.
This is the first known attempt to develop a defined and standardized taxonomy of communication techniques and strategies used by health professionals in patient consultations.
Please cite as:
Shersher V, Haines TP, Williams C, Willoughby L, Sturgiss L, Weller C
Developing a Taxonomy of Communication Techniques and Aids Used By Healthcare Providers During Patient Consultations: Protocol for a Systematic Review